At Otari (Otari Native Botanic Garden - to give it the full name which I never hear used) the diversity of New Zealand native plants can be so readily accessed and enjoyed it is easy to escape the sense of being in a city. There are areas of more natural bush in Wilton's Bush, but for a brief visit and sense of renewal Otari meets my needs beautifully. I read some time ago about the Japanese term "shinrin yoku" which was translated as "forest bathing" - the idea of becoming immersed in a forest environment for health purposes. (This is apparently a relatively recent concept from 1982, originating in the Akazawa Natural Recreation Forest in Agematsu.) Research has looked at the elements which might be helpful (such as chemicals released by the plants, textures, scents, sounds, temperature and light patterns) and the impact that walking in the forest has on people's stress levels, immune response, and so on. The benefits seem to be substantial. I don't need a health reason, I just like to breathe it all in...
The path wanders through the fresh greens of the mixed NZ native plants, glistening after a rainshower - climbers decorating the trunks of the trees which tower over the treeferns, shrubs, rengarenaga lilies and other perennials. Ahhh.